Message from the 6th Council of APA
28th August 2023
We regret to learn that Prof. K.S. James, our Vice President, was suspended as the Director of the International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS) by the Indian Government.
Professor James is a dedicated scientist whose research informs population development in India and Asia. His academic insights and international openness are indispensable for bringing forward the activities of the Asian Population Association.
We ardently hope that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible so that he can resume his important professional activities.
Reiko Hayashi, President
Aris Ananta, Immediate Past President
Samir KC, Secretary General
Manasigan Kanchanachitra, Treasurer
Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Council member
Edith Gray, Council member
Fatemeh Torabi, Council member
Premchand Dommaraju, Council member
Sureeporn Punpuing, Council member
Aree Jampaklay, Executive Secretary
6th Council of the Asian Population Association