The sub-committee on the Scientific Groups headed by Santhya received six proposals. The Council members unanimously supported the following four Scientific Groups:
iii) Demography of Asian migrants and diasporas
The chairs, members and proposed activities of the four approved Scientific Groups are as follows:
Scientific Group (SG) titles |
SG Chair and institutional affiliation |
SG members and institutional affiliation |
Proposed activities |
Stuart Basten Oxford University, UK |
Zheng Zhenzhen, CASS, China Minja Kim Choe , East West Centre, Hawaii Minna Säävälä, Väestöliitto, Finland Nazar Shabila, Hawler Medical University, Iraq |
Two workshops and promotion of a network of scholars working on fertility ideals and intentions. |
Salut Muhidin Macquarie University, Australia |
Kailash C. Das; IIPS, India Aree Jampaklay, IPSR, Mahidol University, Thailand Tommy Firman, BIT, Indonesia - Yu Zhu, Fujian Normal University, China |
Take stock of the state of knowledge of cross-national analyses of urbanization and internal migration in Asian countries. Two workshops are proposed that will focus on the conceptual and technical issues in cross-national analyses of urbanization and internal migration in Asia. |
Demography of Asian Migrants and Diasporas |
Yaghoob Foroutan University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Graeme Hugo, University of Adelaide, Australia Aris Ananta, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Jacqueline Leckie, University of Otago, New Zealand Fei Guo, Macquarie University, Australia Maruja Milagros Asis, Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines |
Two regional workshops |
Pathways to adulthood in Asia: filling gaps in what is known about sexual and reproductive health |
Shireen Jejeebhoy Population Council, India |
Lou Chaohua, SIPPR, China Mahesh Puri, CREHPA, Nepal Meimanat Hosseini, ANU, Australia Maria Midea M Kabamalan, University of Philippines, Philippines Philip Guest, IPSR, Mahidol University, Thailand |
Two seminars: i) Unintended pregnancy among the young: correlates and consequences ii) Role of gatekeepers in facilitating young people’s transition to adulthood. |
Institute for Population and Social Research,
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Phutthamonthon,
Nakhon Pathom, 73170 Thailand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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