Invitation & Call for Papers/Abstracts
Dear All,
We are delighted to invite you to the 6th Asian Population Association Conference which will be held in-person in Kathmandu City, Nepal, 27-30 November, 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) at Tribhuvan University. You are invited to submit papers/abstracts to the conference themes as follows:
Conference Themes
- Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics
- Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data
- Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health, and Reproductive Rights
- Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology, and Causes of Death
- Population Mobility and Spatial Demography (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization
- Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship
- Gender and Development
- Demographic Theory and Methods (including Demographic Training)
- Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition, and Population Ageing
- Population and Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development
- Special Population Groups (Youth, Older Persons, Persons with Disability, etc.)
- Population and Economy, Demographic Dividend, and Labor Market
- Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language
- Historical Demography
- Digital Technology for Demographic Analysis
- Others (Education, Well-being, and Happiness, etc.)
- Nepal Special Sessions (Topics relevant to Nepal)
Key conference dates
Submission opens at https://asianpa.org |
12 October 2023 |
Submission deadline |
2 February 2024 |
Notification of decision |
17 May 2024 |
Main conference |
27-30 November 2024 |
Please pay close attention to the abstract and paper guidelines.
Guideline for abstract preparation for the 6th Asian Population Association Conference;
- Abstract is required and should not exceed 200 words.
- Extended abstract is optional and should not be more than 5 pages. The text uses 12-point font, and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Please download the template at https://asianpa.org/the-6th-asian-population-association-conference.html
- Full paper is optional. Length of the manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words excluding references (about 25 pages). The text uses 12-point font, and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The paper title must be Title Case (For example, Food Consumption Behaviors of Middle-aged in the Rural of Northeastern Region of Thailand). Please do not use all capital letters.
- The authors’ names and details must also be Title Case (e.g.; 'Asian Population Association' rather than 'ASIAN POPULATION ASSOCIATION').
We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you to Kathmandu, Nepal, in November 2024.
Sincerely yours,
Reiko Hayashi
President, Asian Population Association