The newly established Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) at Shanghai University invites applications for 10 faculty positions at levels from assistant to full professor, and 5 post-doc fellow positions. Competitive salaries can be offered.
The establishment of ADRI responds to the need for in-depth comparative analysis in the Asia region. Using advanced demographic methods and the best available data, ADRI aims to study a wide range of policy relevant topics in population research and population-economy-environment interactions. The new institute will also create a platform for regional collaboration in demographic research and training through close collaborations with institutions in Asia and beyond. It has reached a collaborative agreement with the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis ( and will function as the new headquarter.
Leiwen Jiang is appointed as founding director. A group of renowned demographers and broader population experts, Samir KC, Guy Abel, and Yu Zhu, have already joined the institute, contributing to its main research areas. The International Scientific Advisory Board has been formed to provide advice and supports, members including Wolfgang Lutz, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Doo-Sub Kim, Rong Ma, Peter McDonald, Xizhe Peng, Vipan Prajuabmoh, Michael White, Brenda Yeoh.
ADRI will have a faculty of around 21 scientists recruited internationally, with a goal of half of the faculty to be non-Chinese. The working language is English. In order to be able to recruit international faculty members, ADRI offers salaries and allowances that would be compatible with similar positions in the US and Europe.
Currently, ADRI has opened 5 faculty positions in the coming year:
1) Aging and health (1 full professor as group leader)
2) Environment and climate change (1 associate or assistant professor)
3) Human capital and development (1 associate or assistant professor)
4) Internal migration and urbanization (1 associate or assistant professor)
5) International migration (1 associate or assistant professor).
In addition, the institute also seeks to recruit 5 post-doc fellows in the above-mentioned areas.
The starting date is flexible, starting from February 2016. Application should include a CV, a cover letter of intention for relevant research areas, and contact information of two referees. We accept submissions until the positions are filled.
Please send your application to Yu Zhang and Kewei Ying at
Asian Demographic Research Institute
School of Sociology and Political Science
Shanghai University
99 Shangda Rd., Shanghai, 200444, China
Tel: +86-21-66132080 Fax: +86-21-66135202
Institute for Population and Social Research,
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Phutthamonthon,
Nakhon Pathom, 73170 Thailand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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